Please read the following text, before you inspect the paintings!

Roland Frey, he is the painter of the most significant spiritual paintings of our time. Information was given to him from higher realms. It was accepted, understood and transferred into visible paintings. They show the wanted expression and radiate the corresponding vibration. Thus, they are part of and serve in the ongoing process of the awakening of mankind with the uplift of consciousness. This uplift currently happens through the elevation of the frequency and acceleration of the vibration.

Frey was inspired by the globally known Master who only took birth into our world on the planet Earth in order to bring peace.

For in our union you will accept all of our brother. The gift of union is the only that I was born to give.

ACIM, Chap. 15, 302

His vital messages are as true today as they were two millennia ago. Keywords that were given are:

Freedom, love, light, peace, liberation and highest truth. Consciously or unconsciously they are thought after by everyone. The paintings support in the personal, individual search for them.

The Masters messages have to do with not less than the reunion with the creator of All That Is. So there is an opportunity given to humanity, perceptible in races, colors, creeds in the form of woman, man or child. No one is excluded and is eagerly awaited at home.

We live in an ego driven world. Isn’t she saturated with greed, hate, lust, anger and jealousy instead of love? This world is made individually and must be overcome. No matter who you are, where or what you are, we, almost all of us, misunderstand our co-creation. All of one’s actions begin with a single thought. That which is in spirit is projected outward and operates according to the law of Mind/Creation.

I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings. I experience, and I decide upon the goals I would achieve. And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked.

ACIM, Chap. 21, 416

Only our own believes drive us. The result is binding destruction which can be observed everywhere.

True learning is constant, and so vital in its power for change that a Son of God can recognize his power in one instant and change the world in the next. That is because, by changing his mind, he has changed the most powerful device that was ever given him for change.

ACIM, Chap. 7, 112

The Masters words can and will help if we decide to accept them.

ACIM: A Course in Miracles by Jesus 1965

01 – The Word

90 x 90 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1968)

05 – Turnback

90 x 90 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1975)


09 – First Mother

80 x 100 cm

Oils on canvas, stretsher (1973)


13 – Awakening

60 x 100 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1973)


17 – The Human Microcosm

83 x 71 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1972)


21 – The Prince of this World

100 x 115 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1974)


25 – Directed Force

114 x 89 cm

Oils on canvas, stretsher (1963)


28 – The Dawn of Light

108 x 112 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1971)


29 – The Cosmic Christ

110 x 75 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1964)


33 – Manipura Chakra, Naval Chakra

35 x 35 cm

Tempera (1970-71)


37 – Sahasrara Chakra, Crown Chakra

35 x 35 cm

Tempera (1970-71)


42 – The Mystical Death

100 x 115 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1975)


02 – The Beginning

60 x 60 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1975)


06 – The Mystical Path

70 x 140 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1971)


10 – Triumph of the Light

100 x 40 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1971)


14 – The Wheel of Evolution

90 x 75 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1964)


18 – Crucified Humanity

119 x 90 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1971)


22 – Between Yesterday and Tomorrow

110 x 160 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1973)


26 – Crystalline Pair

128 x 79 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1962)


30 – The Cosmic Man

89 x 112 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1964)


34 – Anahata Chakra, Heart Chakra

35 x 35 cm

Tempera (1970-71)


38 – Distant Light

113 x 90 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1970)


41 – Sacrifice in the Temple

100 x 115 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1975)


43 – Overcoming death

165 x 120 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1973)


03 – Formation

70 x 70 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1975)


07 – Fertilized Space

80 x 90 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1964)


11 – Golden Pyramid

61 x 51 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1973)


15 – Celestial and Terrestrial Love

130 x 80 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1972)


19 – Soap Bubbles

60 x 51 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1974)


23 – Trripartite Face

60 x 70 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1974)

27 – Seeker of God

98 x 80 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1960)


31 – Muladhara Chakra, Root-Chakra

35 x 35 cm

Tempera (1970-71)


35 – Vishuda Chakra, Throat Chakra

35 x 35 cm

Tempera (1970-71)


39 – Burning Crown of Thorns

62 x 51 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1971)


44 – The Mystical Union

100 x 115 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1975)


04 – Expansion

80 x 80 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1975)


08 – The Emerging Space

84 x 71 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1964)


12 – Dawn

60 x 100 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1973)


16 – Power of the Earth

98 x 56 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1972)


20 – The Child and the Fool’s Concert

61 x 51 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1973)

24 – Crucified

170 x 100 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1960)

32 – Svadhistana Chakra, Sacral Chakra

35 x 35 cm

Tempera (1970-71)

36 – Ajna Chakra, third-Eye-Chakra

35 x 35 cm

Tempera (1970-71)

40 – Metamorphosis

60 x 50 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1971)

45 – The Magic Sign

71 x 130 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1965)

46 – Vibration

100 x 170 cm

Oils on canvas, stretcher frame (1976)

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